Ranked: 32nd
Position: Blue 3
With our last win, new oppertunities open. Our colaboration with the alliance has led us to take on a defensive stratagey.
We drive off platform during sandstorm, patiently awaiting the storm's end. We rush to opposong side and begin blocking the Red alliances Cargo. Powers (894) slams into us, knocking us back onto our side, breaking their pnumatic line in the process. We circle back home and then return to block 495 from the Rocket and then to 894. We create a defensive line to hold back the Red to their side. 894 tries to by pass our line and we in return slam back onto their side.
20 Second Buzzer.
We race back to platform; All robots, success.
The score is 50/50. The tension is high, and the wait agonozng. Powers; penalized.
Finalized score... 78 to 44, Us.