It is here! The 2019 Deep Space Challenge. You can watch the full video of the game and field here: In a nutshell, the field has four total rocket ships and two cargo ships (two rockets and one cargo ship per team). Each team's goal is to put as much cargo (big orange balls) into the rockets and cargo ship. At the end of the match teams will get additional points by parking onto one of three elevated platforms.
Throughout the weekend, the team worked on developing ideas for a robot, strategy for the game, and began prototyping. We are off to a great start because we have a good idea of what we want to build. The main manipulator will be a dual set of arms with wheels on them attached to an elevator device. The "elevator" allows the robot to reach every hatch and opening on the rocket, along with being able to pick up the "cargo" from the ground. The wheels on the arms help bring in the cargo securely without pushing them away. The arms will also have "talons" on the front, so that when they bend in they will be able to grab onto the inside of the hatches for secure and easy transportation.
We are exciting to kick off the 2019 season on such a good note. Spirits are high and hunger is even higher! Thank you for following us this season and supporting Symmetrical Chaos!